June 2015
"Showing The Flag"

Friends of Laurel Hill Battlefield
ccontinue to promote the significance of the
local historical battlefield and its protection
and preservation into the future. Manning the
booth at Phillipi's Blue and Gray Reunion is
Lynne Snyder. (above)
October 2014
Mapping of Civil War Sites

Don Reimer, Historian,
Author and Cartographer, of “Civil War Trips,”
St. Leonard, MD, paid a visit to the Laurel Hill
Battlefield and surrounding area, recently. He
is pictured here with Larry Corley on left and
Lynne Snyder to the right, at Laurel Mountain
Inn, Belington. Mr. Reimer commented on the
photography and list of soldiers names displayed
at the restaurant.
In addition to his
treating for lunch, Mr. Reimer presented both
Corley and Snyder with a wall map that they are
holding in the photo. The gift will be shared
with members of “Friends of Laurel Hill
Battlefield.” Reimer toured the Battlefield
several times in recent history in his quest to
gather information for mapping of Civil War
sites and now plans to review material pertinent
to Laurel Hill Battlefield, supplied by the
members of “Friends.”
(Friends of
Laurel Hill Battlefield absent from the picture
are: Sis Mae McLean, Hunter Lesser, Ginnie
McNeil and Robert J. Snyder.)
September 2013
(This event is now
concluded - notice retained for archival
purposes only.)

New Series Begins:
Leading the
troops in the mountains of western Virginia in
We Regret To Announce:
This year's Reenactment
has been cancelled:
No Reenactment for 2012!
Unfortunately, no reason has been given for
this cancellation.
For questions or to get more information, contact:
Phillips at belingtoncvb@gmail.com
Or go to the Belington.net "comments" page to follow up:
Please note: In recent years, reeanctments have not
been the
responsibility of the Friends of Laurel Hill Battlefield,
sponsors of this website.
October 2011
Now Available!
Author and historian Hunter Lesser has
published a new book on the "First Campaign" in Western
“My book
Rebels at the Gate
sparked interest in this overlooked tale.
The First Campaign
offers readers a chance to retrace the footsteps of soldiers and
civilians as the drama of the Civil War unfolds.”- Hunter Lesser
for more information, and to arrange for your copy
This year's Reenactment will take place on: 5-7 August 2011
Registration Form
(PDF) Complete and
return form with registration fee made payable to "Barbour
County CDC" Mail
to: BRC,
Reenactment Registration
PO Box 276
Belington, WV 26250
Early registration fee
= $10.00 (Early
registration deadline is 4 August 2011)
On-site registration fee = $15.00
For more information please leave message
(with your contact info) at 304-823-2611.
Or email:
or Carolyn Phillips at
belingtoncvb@gmail.com |
It looks like we've got about as much information on the 2011
Laurel Hill Reenactment as there is to be had, but keep checking this site as
the date approaches, in case any new material
develops. This year's reenactment
will be part of the 150th Anniversary cycle of the American Civil War.
everyone to participate in this grand anniversary occasion.
(And if you are an
event organizer or sponsor, PLEASE contact the references given
will gladly post any and all reenactment information you can supply!)
We've now gotten hold of a rack card which is posted
in PDF format HERE
You may also find reenactment info on the
Belington Town
Friends of the
Battle of Laurel Hill publish the above information only as a
public service and are responsible for neither the content nor execution
of this reenactment.
Previous Reenactments Now Have Their Own
For photographs and other information on past events,
see the web page HERE
Laurel Hill Event is Baptism of Fire for State
The official
2009 West Virginia travel guide contains an article
describing the experiences of a
Charleston writer as he takes on the role of novice reenactor at Laurel Hill.
Sidebars give
other information about West Virginia's Civil War events.
Read the original online
HERE or see a local PDF version
(This material is copyright West Virginia
Tourism and used here by special permission.)
Volunteers Create New Bridge As A Memorial
This bridge was re-created at Laurel Hill by members of the Kanawha Artillery, who supplied the material and did the labor to restore this
footbridge between the Confederate and Union Camp locations. The project is in memory of a fallen comrade of Kan. Art, "Chip." He had been a long time participant of the Battle of Laurel Hill and it is an honor to have him remembered at a place he loved to be and where he was loved in return.

Laurel Hill Gets Highway Sign
The Laurel Hill Battlefield has recently
achieved recognition for the Tourism Oriented Destination Signs
installation program. The project, under the direction of the
West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of
Highways, has approved the location of the Battlefield for
directional signage in their tourism promotion efforts.
Currently installed on Corridor H.
on the east and westbound route are announcements of the
Laurel Hill Battlefield exits. Delano Burford, WV Division
of Highways, added that “directional signs will be installed
for the turn-offs from route 250 in Belington, in the near
2009 NEWS! See full story HERE
National Register Nomination Goes Forward
State Historic Preservation Office approves Laurel
Hill Submission for Federal placement on the National Register of
Historic Places.
CHARLESTON, WV — Late on the morning of February 22, 2008 the eleven member board of attending
commissioners voted a unanimous approval for the nomination of Laurel
Hill Battlefield Historic District on the National Historic Registry.
is History!
For photographs and other information on past
events, see the page

footbridge at Laurel Hill Battlefield site.
Footbridge Appears at Historic Laurel Hill
Laurel Hill Battlefield, site of the historic Battle of Laurel Hill,
July 1861 and located 2 miles east of Crim Ave. in Belington on the
Beverly Fairmont Turnpike/Laurel Mountain Rd., is undergoing
developmental improvements. The first of these to be completed is the
pedestrian bridge. The specially graded steel construction is of
no-maintenance, with the exception of the wooden boards installed for
the floor of the bridge. The rustic look is expressly designed for
durability and longevity. It is located beyond the pavilion and connects
to the road that leads to the Confederate Cemetery. An existing spillway
borders the southern view of the foot-bridge.
Walking trails are also part of the development approved by the City of
Belington and arranged by site coordinator, Jeff Nelsen of the Floyd
Browne Group, Inc. , Charleston, WV. Interpretive signs are in the
works. The text and graphics have been submitted for sign layout and
manufacturing. Hunter Lesser, Project Consultant and Literary Designer
and the Interpretive Signage Committee: Lars Byrne, Larry Corley, Art
Dodds, Pam Dodds, Susan Foy, Kathy Hart, Sis McLean, and Lynne Snyder
compiled the literature and selected the appropriate art work for the
Kiosk (describes overall contents and locations within the park) and 5
other individual signs to be displayed at strategic locations.
The plans for acquisition of the property, a portion of the Griffith
farm, began in 1996 by the Belington Convention and Visitors Bureau
(CVB) through the Laurel Hill Reenactment Foundation. A contingent of
two individuals, Kathy Hart and Larry Corley, both members of the CVB
and the Foundation, approached Sen. Jon Blair Hunter with a dream of
protecting the extraordinary piece of property. The senator was able to
fulfill that dream by “finding” a source of revenue to make the
purchase. The property was secured via funds made available by the State
of West Virginia through the T-21 grant from the Division of Highways in
2004. And the rest…as they say…is history. -- Lynne Snyder
In Memoriam

Fogg and friends in July of 2001
Laurel Hill Battlefield
Foundation would like to commemorate the passing of
Gavin Fogg
on October 28th of this year, at the age of 18.
“Gavin was one of the
most courageous and valiant soldiers I have ever had the privilege to
know,” noted Lynne Snyder, Battle of Laurel Hill Reenactment
He is shown above,
standing below the American Flag and aiming at the enemy in a 2001 photo
of the Battle of Laurel Hill. He has now gone victorious to another,
more peaceful location, but his memory will be forever in our midst.
The 2007 Reenactment will
honor and memorialize his support of the Battle of Laurel Hill and the
inspiration he gave to others in his brief, but full, life.
Those who wish to send
memorials may do so by sending contributions to the:
Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association
5 West 36th Street, Suite 404
New York, NY 10018
or to:
Mountain Hospice
P.O. Box 175
Belington, WV 26250
Meeting Discusses
The Future of the Battlefield:
Laurel Hill Battlefield, an acquisition of the City of Belington,
(2004) through the efforts of The Battle of Laurel Hill Project
Committee, was the topic for discussion at a meeting held in the
Gathering Room of Belington City Hall. Presenter, Jeff Nelsen, of
Floyd Browne Group, (Division of Environmental Design Group)
addressed the proposed development of the property and current
progress of plans. An overview of the grounds, taken by aerial
photography, was displayed. Designated areas for attention were
pointed out and discussed. Among the proposed enhancements were
trails with identifying signs (interpretation) along the routes
depicting where battle events took place. Attending, in addition
to Jeff Nelsen, were Michael Gioulis, Jean Boger and Dan Bock
representing the Michael Gioulis, Historic Preservation Consultant;
members of the Laurel Hill Foundation and Belington Convention and
Visitors Bureau, Kathy Hart, Larry Corley, Linda Watson and Lynne
Snyder; Don Harris, Laurel Hill project associate, represented the
City of Belington, as did Councilman Craig Bolton III. Cost
opinions and phasing recommendations for the project are expected in
the near future. Nominations for Historic Registry of the
battlefield will be included in upcoming efforts. |
Interpretive Marker Placed in Town
Reenactors at the 2005 event
(see the
LINK below) saw the installation of a new interpretive marker at the corner of
Watkins Street and U.S. Rt. 250 in Belington. The folks there are very proud
that their very own
Campaign" interpretive sign is the first to see the light of day
anywhere in West Virginia. The Battle of Laurel Hill marker will begin a series of
Civil War Trail signs in the state.

2008 UPDATE:
Recent Progress on Interpretive Signs
Five interpretive signs are now in position at Laurel Hill Battlefield, through
the efforts of the Interpretive Signage Committee (shown in the photo below). In addition to the 5 signs, a Kiosk
(see PDF file) notes where you are and where the signs can be found.

Assembled to work on the
interpretive signage project for the Laurel Hill Battlefield, are:
Seated, left to right: Sis McLean, Lana Fowler, Susan Foy.
Standing: Hunter Lesser, Lynne Snyder and Larry Corley.
Past Laurel Hill
Reenactments —
For photographs and other information on past events,
see the page HERE
Contributions for developing and maintaining this website can be sent
Friends of Laurel Hill Battlefield
P.O.Box 342
Belington, WV 26250
Lynne Snyder 304-823-3327
Mae McLean 304 823 3081
or e-mail to: