The 2005 ReenactmentIn Review
History struck a resounding chord in Belington during the weekend. Cannon fire, cultural music and an eerily haunting rendition of Taps echoed through the hills each night. The 10th annual Battle of Laurel Hill Reenactment observance took place over a three day period. Most of the festivities took place at the Pavilion of Laurel Hill. Starting with the opening ceremonies on Friday night, emceed by Rev. Jim Tallman, which included the dedication of the Reenactment to the families of Eldridge Golden, CSA and James H. Browning, USA, dignitaries delivered historical statements concerning “then and now.” Special Representative of West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin III Sen. Jon Hunter (Dem. 14 Dist.) spoke on behalf of the State of West Virginia, and the value of this historic location. Del. Mary Poling (Dem. commented on the preservation of history and Commissioner Phil Hart, of the Barbour County Commission, offered his interest in the development of this project over the years. Councilman Odbert Ware, City of Belington, admired the diligence of the people who undertook the effort to secure the property and continue the historic promotion. Odbert Ware and Harry “Butch” Browning, received acknowledgement of their ancestor, great-great grandpa, James H. Browning, USA, with a plaque presented by Del. Poling. Richard Ervin, accepted his plaque, from Poling as well, for recognition of his great-great-great grandpa, Eldridge Golden, CSA.
Relatives of Civil War Soldiers at Dedication Erin Taylor, an 11 year old, from Junior, was crowned Laurel Lass by Heather Hart, the reigning Belington Fair Queen, after the dedication concluded.
The highlights of the next days activities was noted by a train robbery at Belington Yard and a combined parade with the Belington Fire Departments Community Fair.
Yankee Assault (above)
Confederate Retaliation
Waitin' At The Station In the evening, the Civil War Ball was held at the Pavilion. The attendance was treated to the music of the Rich Mountain Band and the calling of Phyllis Baxter. Laurel Lass, Erin Taylor, was present at the parade and the Ball to usher in her recently acquired responsibilities representing the Reenactment. During the Ball, a raffle drawing took place with the following winners: Cindy Kelley; WalMart Gift Certificate $300.00 Lee Miller; Kmart Gift Certificate 200.00 Ron Jones; Shop N Save Express Certificate 100.00 Bobby Herron; Hand Made Civil War Quilt 75.00A night tactical, morning church service, entertainment, book signing (Rebels at the Gate) by author Hunter Lesser, Memorial Wall remembrance, cemetery tours and sutler sales, all led up to the culmination of the event so long awaited: The Battle of Laurel Hill Reenactment!
Some Watch The
Battle... Even when it arrived on somewhat dampened surroundings, the 2005 conclusion was that history was worth learning about and participating in. That’s it Chief. Respectfully submitted for publication by: Lynne Llewellyn Snyder
Contributions for future events or for developing and maintaining our location can be sent to: Laurel Mountain Reenactment Foundation P.O. Box 921 Belington, WV 26250
Kathy Hart @ 304-823-2557 / Lynne Snyder @ 304-823-3327 |