Battle of Laurely Hill 2009 Reenactment

Battle of Laurel Hill Reenactment
Belington Homecoming Weekend
2009 Schedule


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Friday, July 17th 2009

Sutlers Open for Business Friday through Sunday

Noon-Midnight: Registration for Reenactors

10:30 AM: Artillery demonstration for young and not so young.

6:00 PM: Opening Ceremonies and Descendant’s Award

7:00 PM: Lads and Lassies Pageant


Saturday July 18th  2009

7:00 AM: Reveille

9:30 AM: Commanders Meeting

11:00 AM. Bob Welch (1st Show) Music, History, Storytelling

Bob Welch at Laurel Hill Reenactment 2009

* 11:00  AM: Car Show

12:00 - 1:00 PM: Living History and Cemetery Tours

*1:00-5:00  PM: Entertainment provided by BRC

*1:00-5:00  PM: Crafters and Farm Market

*1:00  PM: Bob Welch (2nd Show Downtown) Music History, Storytelling

2:00-4:00 PM: WDNE Remote Broadcast (Tune to 98.9 FM for details)

*3:00  PM: Feature Parade on Main Street

*4:00  PM: Train Yard Ambush

Aprox. 4:30 PM: *Duck Race below Belington Veterans Memorial  Bridge, Following Ambush

*5:00  PM: Cake Walk: EMS Bldg.

5:00  PM: Troops Supper in Pavilion

6:00  PM: Camps closed to the public

6:30  PM: Bob Welch (3rd Show On the Hill)

8:00-10:00 PM: Cotillion Ball

8:00 PM: Memorial Artillery Salute


Sunday, July 19th 2009

7:00 AM: Reveille

9:30 AM: Commanders Meeting

10:00 AM: Period Church Service All Welcome

11:00 AM: Memorial Service at the Wall
                                       Honoring Laurel Hill Dead
- Laying of Wreath

11:00 AM: Book Signing by noted author of Rebels At The Gate;  Hunter Lesser

12:30 PM: Bob Welch, Music, History and Storytelling

1:30 PM: Battle of Laurel Hill Reenactment

2:30 PM: Bob Welch (Final Performance) Music, History and Storytelling

Camps Break After Events Conclude

Items marked with * are downtown. All others On The Hill

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Lynne Snyder (304) 823-3327